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Ohio USA

How to Apply Roofing Cement Correctly

Whether you’re a first-timer or an experienced roofer, you must know how to apply roofing cement correctly. There are a few things you should do before you begin. First, make sure that the area you are going to work on is completely cleaned. Debris that remains on the...

How to Install Corrugated Plastic Roofing

If you are considering using corrugated plastic roofing panels, you will want to know how to install them correctly. In this article, you’ll learn the basics of how to install the panels and how to avoid common mistakes. Once you know how to install corrugated plastic...

What Size Roofing Nails For Two Layers of Shingles?

Roofing nails come in different lengths. For example, you may need a larger nail for a thicker sheathing or ridge and hip shingles than for two layers of regular asphalt shingles. The length of the nail should be about one-quarter of an inch larger than the thickness...

How Much Overlap For Corrugated Roofing Should You Use?

If you’re installing a new roof, you’re probably wondering how much overlap for corrugated roofing is best. Generally, a single corrugation of sheeting is enough for about 48” of coverage, depending on the material and thickness of the panels. The general rule of...

How to Cover Exposed Roofing Nails

Roofing contractors can help homeowners find solutions for uncovered nails. In most cases, you can seal exposed nails with a suitable sealant that matches the material of your roofing and flashing. To help seal exposed nails, some roofers rub two shingles together so...

How Much Overlap to Put on Roofing Felt

If you have a pitched roof and are worried about how much overlap to put on your new roofing material, this article will give you some useful tips. If you want to make sure that your new roofing material will last for a long time, you need to keep your roof edges...

Choosing the Thickness of Roofing Plywood

There are several variables to consider when choosing the thickness of roofing plywood. If the plywood is to be used as sheathing, it should be 3/8″ thick or more. If the rafters are spaced 16 inches apart, a 3/8″ plywood sheet should work just fine. For heavier...

How Many Roofing Squares in 1200 Square Feet?

How many roofing squares in 1200 square feet? This question will help you determine the number of roofing squares that are needed to cover the whole area of your roof. There are several methods for calculating the amount of squares needed. You can also convert square...

What Size OSB Is Used For Roofing?

If you want to build a roof or a wood beam ceiling, you may be wondering what size OSB to use. While OSB has slightly higher shear values than plywood, it is not quite as strong as plywood. Generally, the standard roofing thickness is 7/16-inch, which is slightly...

How to Install Rolled Roofing on a Flat Roof

If you want to learn how to install rolled roofing on a new roof, read this article for some helpful advice. In this article, you will learn how to prepare a flat roof for roll roofing installation. Start by measuring 35 inches from the bottom edge of the roof and...