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Ohio USA

How to Install Pro-Rib Steel Roofing

You have probably heard the phrase “pro-rib,” but do you know how to install this type of roofing? This article will explain how you can get your roof installed with PRO-Rib Metal Roofing. There are two main advantages of this type of roof. It keeps its beautiful look...

How to Cut Polycarbonate Roofing

You might be wondering how to cut polycarbonate roofing sheets. You should know that this material is made of plastic and comes in different thicknesses. The thinner sheets are easier to cut, but the thicker ones will take longer to cut. You can either buy a power...

How Much PSI For Roofing Nailer

Before you use a roofing nailer, you should know how much psi it should have. A low psi will leave the nails sticking out of the roof, whereas a high psi will push them deeper into the roofing, damaging the shingles and possibly damaging the nailer as well. To avoid...

How to Install Polycarbonate Corrugated Roofing Panel

If you’re wondering how to install polycarbonate corrugated roof panels, read this article. It provides step-by-step instructions for securing this type of roofing panel. Polycarbonate roofing is more durable than PVC, but there are some disadvantages as well. Here...

How to Remove Roofing Tar From Concrete

There are several ways to remove the stain, but none are guaranteed to work perfectly. A few steps should be followed, though. First, you must protect yourself from the acid used in tar removal. Wear protective clothing, including rubber gloves and eye protection....

How to Remove Roofing Tar From Clothes

One of the most important things to know about removing tar from your clothing is that tar is very sticky. You should be wearing protective gear, including gloves, to prevent the tar from getting on your skin. Next, gather the tools you need to clean the stain,...

How Far Should Roofing Nails Penetrate?

There is no exact standard for how long a roofing nail should penetrate, but you should allow a minimum of 19 mm to penetrate the sheathing or roofing material. For example, nails that penetrate one inch into a 3/8″ layer of sheathing may not penetrate the roofing...

How to Get Roofing Tar Off Skin

If you have ever gotten roofing tar on your skin, you are probably wondering how to get it off. This article will give you some tips to help you remove roofing tar from your skin. First, be sure to wear gloves and protective gear while working with roofing tar. Then,...

How Many Square Feet Are in a Bundle of Roofing Shingles?

If you’re putting a new roof on your home, you might be wondering how many square feet are in a bundle of roofing shingles. Usually, a bundle of roofing shingles covers 33 square feet, so calculating how many shingles you need depends on the pitch of your roof. There...

What Optional Roofing Filter is Available For the Yaesu FT-DX10?

The Yaesu FT-DX10 is a compact hybrid radio with three excellent roofing filters. They include a low pass filter, an high pass filter, and a notch filter. You can even purchase an optional 300 Hz CW Filter if you’d like to improve the receiver’s selectivity during...