

Ohio USA

Considering how many shingles you have? There are plenty of ways to dispose of them. You can even recycle them. Here are a few ways to do it. You may be surprised to learn that you can actually reuse the old shingles. Sometimes you might want to change them for style or color. Or perhaps you want to replace them early to add more value to your property. Whatever the reason, there are some groups that buy or take old shingles for charitable purposes. local roofing companies

You can recycle or donate your roofing shingles if they’re not too old. Some local recycling centers will accept them, but some might require you to pre-clean them or remove nails. If you’re unsure, call the recycling center to ask. If they don’t, they’ll likely charge you a disposal fee. Others will pay you for the materials. So, where to dispose of roofing shingles near me?

You can find asphalt shingle recycling centers in most communities. Make sure you check the rules of the recycling center before donating your shingles. Some centers require pre-cleaning and grinding of the shingles, while others automatically remove nails with magnets. Some centers will accept your used shingles for free, but may charge you a donation fee to cover their costs. To make sure you get a good deal, take some time to find a recycling center near you.

After your shingles are loaded into a dumpster, the workers will weigh them to see how dirty they are. If they seem clean, they will be dumped and checked again. If they don’t meet their standards, you’ll have to pay extra. Lightly dirty shingles will cost you $25 per ton, and moderately dirty shingles will cost you up to $60. If you have a lot of shingles, it might be best to only recycle clean shingles.

Crushcrete is a recycling yard that accepts asphalt shingles, nails, and paper from shingles. It has plans to expand its recycling operations to include concrete, too. The company is affiliated with Casilio Concrete in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and opened its doors in 1998. Crushcrete turns concrete scraps into aggregates that are used to make new batches of concrete. And, if you’re in need of a convenient, affordable way to dispose of roofing shingles, this place is worth checking out.

Recycling asphalt shingles is an emerging trend. While it takes 400 years for asphalt shingles to break down in landfills, it is possible to make them useful again. Some of the asphalt shingles contain composites that can be used for other materials. This improves cement quality. Many recycled shingles are used for paving projects and in public paving. Recycling asphalt shingles also helps the environment by reducing the need for new materials.