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In order to successfully complete any roofing project, you must know what size nails to use. You should choose hot-dipped galvanized nails, which are 12-gauge or thicker. The length of the nail depends on the thickness of the shingles or sheathing. If the roofing material is made of fiberglass, it is recommended that you use one-inch nails. Those that are made of wood should use longer nails. You can also buy a pre-measured nail kit to save time. local roofing companies

Before purchasing the right roofing nails, it is important to determine the thickness of the material being used. If the roof is made of asphalt, you should use nails that have a diameter of 1.6 to 2.4 millimeters. The nails should also have a length that extends 3/8 of an inch beyond the bottom of the roof sheathing. If you don’t know how long your nails should be, you can look at your old nails to determine their length, or seek professional advice.

Roofing nails come in several sizes and types, and are used to install roofing felt, fasten shingles and waterproof roofs. The head of a roofing nail should be wide and flat, with a short shank and sharp point. Unlike other nails, these nails don’t cause damage to wood. They’re also made to penetrate about a quarter of an inch of the sheathing to be effective. This makes them a good choice for roofing projects.

In addition to the thickness of the material, another important consideration when choosing roofing nails is the thickness of the decking. Modern roofing decking is generally less than an inch thick, although this can vary. Using nails that are too short will result in uneven nail placement and will not be effective at securing the roof. For example, if you plan to install shingles over old ones, you’ll need nails that are 19 mm long. This will allow the nails to penetrate both shingles and the roof deck.

Besides being strong and durable, roofing nails also come in different shapes. The shape of the nails makes a big difference in the overall effectiveness of a roof, and its efficiency in the installation process. While smooth shank nails are the most common type of roofing nails on construction sites, they are not the best option for most jobs. While they’re the least expensive, they’re not the best for roofing jobs. They are the least efficient of the various types of shanks and they’re also the cheapest to manufacture.

In addition to the number of nails you need, there are several other considerations when buying roofing nails. The amount of nails per square foot of roofing will depend on exposure and coverage. Generally, higher coverage means more nails per square foot. The Cambridge(tm) shingle requires 240 nails per square foot. In contrast, a High Wind Application needs 480 nails per square foot of roofing. When ordering shingles, make sure to order three bundles.