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If you’re looking for a new roof for your home, or are remodeling an existing one, you may be wondering how to install copper roofing. Luckily, copper is a versatile material that can be installed on both flat and curved roof surfaces. Copper is naturally green, so you can expect your roof to have an attractive patina over time. You can even mix it with other types of roofing to give your home a unique look. corrugated metal roofing

When installing copper roofing, make sure you follow the proper installation process. It will ensure stability, resistance to the elements, and beauty. Here are some tips:

You should have a roofer with special skills. Copper shingles are the most common type of copper roofing material, and they are typically installed by hand. If you plan to use copper shingles, you should also consider installing copper fasteners to avoid metallurgical reactions. Copper roofing materials are also expensive, so hiring a contractor is highly recommended. However, copper roofs are well worth the investment, according to Remodeling magazine.

Professionals are required to learn the proper way to install copper roofing. They should also be familiar with the proper methods for seaming copper. Metal roofing materials can expand and contract, so you should consider a professional. A professional roofing company, such as Bond Roofing, will be able to provide a cost estimate for your project. Copper roofing panels can be applied on existing roofs, over arches, and chimney caps. Choosing copper roofing panels is a big decision, so find someone with the right experience.

If you’re using battens for your gable rakes, you should overlap adjacent lengths of rake strips by 3 inches to avoid excessive copper thickness. Depending on the type of battens, batten-seam pans are another option to consider. Battens also have a variety of aesthetics and can be made into various shapes. In addition to battens, you should always keep in mind that you must create transverse seams when installing batten-seam pans.

One of the greatest advantages of using copper for roofing is that it is lightweight, and insulating, so you can control your heating and cooling costs while you’re working on the roof. However, you must remember that it’s a higher initial cost, but its lifetime cost is much lower. Another disadvantage of copper is that it’s easy to damage with other metals, such as asphalt. Copper is also vulnerable to rust, and the best way to protect it is to use copper fasteners.

Although copper roofing is expensive, you can find it at an affordable price. A 16-ounce sheet weighs about one pound per square foot. Twenty-ounce copper roofing costs about $2.20 per square foot. Copper roofing is a durable material, and should last for decades. The most important thing to remember when choosing copper is to find an experienced contractor. Copper is expensive, and the cost of a full copper roof is four times more than asphalt shingles. This is why many homeowners only use copper for accents and exterior garnishes.