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Before tearing the panels of aluminum roofing, make sure you understand how to cut them properly. Make a measurement of the panel area and follow it with a steady hand when cutting. Also, be sure to cut each panel to fit the peaks and valleys of the roof correctly. Otherwise, the panels may be uneven and might rust. Follow the steps below: roofing contractor

First, use a pair of metal shears to cut the panels. Be sure to hold the metal panels with one hand to avoid blocking the blades. Then, guide the tin snips along the marked line. You can also use a hammer to cut the panels, but make sure to use a heavy-duty nail-bit to avoid damaging them. Once you know how to cut aluminum roofing, you can cut any other type of roofing material as well.

When cutting metal roofing, make sure to use a power shears with adjustable pivots. These shears can handle thin and thick metal. Most of them come with blades for various types of metals, and you can adjust the depth of cut using a knob. Make sure to use protective clothing and work on a stable surface. If you are aiming to make a straight cut, lay the sheet upside down.

To cut aluminum roofing, start by measuring the length of the material. Once you have the measurement, use a straight edge to mark the spot where you want to cut it. Then, clamp the straight edge on the metal roofing surface. If you need to cut more than one section, use a circular saw. A circular saw can be dangerous and has less control. It is also not very effective for cutting aluminum roofing. In addition, a circular saw will cause too much vibration to make a straight cut.

Another method is to use tin snips. Tin snips are cheap and are great for straight cuts, circles, and curves. They are useful for cutting soft metals, including sheet metal roofing. Tin snips typically leave a smooth edge and are easy to use. Just make sure to hold the tin snips as if you were using scissors and carefully cut the panel. It will be cleaner with this method.

An electric shear can get stuck, and extra force may damage the roof and the tool. When this happens, the best solution is to make a new cut in a different direction. This will prevent any unnecessary damage to your tool or the roof. A good way to fix a stuck electric shear is to start over from the opposite direction. This will ensure that your project is a success. When it comes to cutting metal roofing, a specialized tool may be your best option.

After cutting the panels, clean them well. Metal dust will accumulate on the panels and can deteriorate them. Make sure you remove all metal dust as soon as possible. A lot of DIYers use a circular saw with a metal cutting blade. But most of the roofing materials warn against cutting metal with a saw, as it will melt the protective coating and leave small burrs on the edges. Luckily, there are other methods to cut the metal roofing panels.