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Before beginning, you’ll need to measure 35 inches from the bottom edge of the roof and mark the area with a chalk line. Make sure you use a meter stick so that the line is straight and avoids overlaps or crooked roofs. As you work, spread roofing cement evenly over the roof’s horizontal section and make sure to stay below the chalk line. Once you’ve covered the entire horizontal section, you can start applying your first layer of roll roofing. metal roofing

Before you begin the installation process, you’ll need to ensure that the weather is warm enough to work with the roll roofing. Cold weather can make the material brittle and break when manipulated. Once you’ve cut the roll roofing into the desired size, it’s a good idea to lay it flat in a garage to warm it up. It will take a few hours to flatten a roll of roofing, but this shouldn’t be a problem if you’re working in warm weather.

You should also install drip edge flashing. This prevents water from penetrating beneath the roll roofing material. You can also install metal valley flashing. Before completing the installation, measure and place your nails near the edges. Make sure to install the drip edge and flashing before you begin laying the first course of roofing. This way, you can ensure that the entire roof is level. A professional installation will leave you with a smooth roof that will last for many years.

Once you’ve laid out your roof, you can use a torch to secure the first layer without nails. You can use a propane torch to keep the sheet from lifting during installation. Once you’ve laid down the first layer of roll roofing, you can install the second one by following the same steps. If you don’t want to handle the installation yourself, contact a roofing contractor or a contractor to take care of the installation for you.

To begin applying roll roofing, measure 35 inches from the bottom edge of the roof and draw a chalk line where the roll roofing meets the sheathing. Make sure to leave a one-inch overhang on the eaves. Then, install drip-edge trim one inch above the roofing. Finally, nail the bottom and side edges six inches apart, using sticky adhesive or nails. If you’re confident, you’re ready to install roll roofing!

If your roof has a plumbing vent, make sure the piece overlaps the lower course by four inches. You can then attach a piece of roll roofing over the pipe. Use some roofing cement to seal it, and use a sharp razor knife to trim the excess roll roofing. Once you’ve finished overlapping the sheet, you can try to lift it and check its firmness. If the edges lift or are loose, it’s time to cut them off.

After you have nailed the first row of roll roofing, you can apply a second row of roll roofing, which should overlap the first row. Then, use galvanized roofing nails to nail the roll roofing to the roofing deck. Make sure to space the nails one inch from the edges and their heads should be level with the material underneath. Once you’re satisfied with the first row of roll roofing, snap a chalk line 32 inches from the bottom of the roof. The lower edge of the second row of roll roofing should overlap the first row by three inches.