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There are several variables to consider when choosing the thickness of roofing plywood. If the plywood is to be used as sheathing, it should be 3/8″ thick or more. If the rafters are spaced 16 inches apart, a 3/8″ plywood sheet should work just fine. For heavier roofs, thicker sheathing will prevent the panels from sagging. However, when comparing plywood thicknesses, remember that the minimum thickness is not always the best option. metal roofing types

When choosing the thickness of the roofing plywood, consider the load on the roof. A flat roof will have a greater load than a steep one, so a higher thickness will prevent water from pooling and causing the roof to collapse. As a general rule, a half-inch thickness will be enough for a small roof. Half-inch or 3/4-inch plywood is not necessary in most cases. And, while you’re evaluating the thickness, remember that the material should be graded for outdoor use, which means that it should be rated for exterior or exposure.

It is also important to take into account the weight. A heavier load means more weight. A heavier load means a thicker roofing plywood sheet is needed. For a 1,500-square-foot roofing project, you should purchase several 4×8-inch pieces of plywood. A professional roofing contractor can install the plywood for you. But if you don’t know much about installing roofing plywood, here are some guidelines to consider.

When choosing the thickness of roofing plywood, remember that the thickness of the plywood decking depends on the slope of the roof, the spacing between rafters, the weight of other materials and snow. You also need to consider the design load, which refers to the pressure exerted by various forces and snow accumulation on the roof. The wider the rafter spacing is, the thicker the roofing plywood should be. If the slope is lower, you should use 3/8-inch plywood decking.

The standard roofing plywood thickness is 1/2-inch to 7/8-inch. OSB, on the other hand, is slightly thicker. Generally speaking, plywood is stronger than strand board, but it is up to the homeowner to decide how thick he/she needs the panels to be. It also depends on how far apart the trusses are from each other. If the rafters are sixteen inches apart, then you’ll need thicker panels.