

Ohio USA

Things to Ask When Getting Roofing Quotes

When getting roofing quotes, there are a few things you should always make sure you know. Ask to speak to the project manager or the right point of contact. It can be frustrating to be passed from one phone number to another. Ask if the person giving you the quote can...

What Is Metal Roofing Made Of?

There are several different types of metal used for roofing. Among them, steel is the least expensive and is a commodity. It is also more readily available and is cheaper than zinc and aluminum. Steel is available in several different forms, including galvanized steel...

How Dangerous Is Roofing?

Almost everyone needs a roof, but few people know just how dangerous it can be. Roofers face a host of on-the-job hazards, including burns from volatile tars, electric shocks from exposed power lines, and falling roofing debris. In addition, roofs often remain...

How Many Feet Are in a Roofing Square?

Whether you’re planning to install a new roof on your home or you’re remodeling an old one, knowing how many square feet are in a roofing square can make your job much easier. While roofing squares come in various sizes, they must measure 100 square feet. One square...

How Much Is a Square in Roofing?

When you are roofing a home, the question of how much is a square is crucial. This measurement helps you determine the amount of materials you need and how much labor will be involved. How much is a square also depends on the slope of your roof. If your roof is steep,...

How Expensive Is Metal Roofing?

When you’re looking at how much metal roofing costs, you’re likely wondering how it compares to other types of roofing. You should also take into account the labor costs. Union labor tends to be more expensive than non-union labor, which is less expensive but may not...