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Ohio USA

How to Install Rolled Roofing Over Shingles

If you are looking for an easy way to improve the appearance of your roof, you may be wondering how to install rolled roofing over shingles. The first step is to measure the eaves on your roof. Some roofs have eaves that are not equal in height throughout. After...

How Long Does It Take For Roofing Tar to Dry?

If you are about to tar your roof, you are probably wondering how long does it take for roofing tars to dry. The truth is, this depends on the weather. It’s better to wait at least eight hours for your roofing tars to fully dry before you start the roof installation...

What Size Roofing Nail For Shingles Do You Need?

What size roofing nail for shingles do you need? As you may already know, the number of nails per square foot of shingles depends on the size of the shingles. While three and four-inch nails are most commonly used, newer products may require different nail...

How Many Bundles of Roofing Shingles Make One Square?

If you’re wondering how many bundles of roofing shingles make one square, you’re not alone. This is a question that comes up time again, especially with new roofs that are increasingly more complicated. The most accurate way to determine the number of shingles you...

Choosing What Size Air Compressor For Roofing Nailer

When buying an air compressor for your roofing nailer, you want a combination of convenience and power. If you’re planning to use your nailer in a variety of locations or at different job sites, you’ll want to choose a compact air compressor that has enough horsepower...

Which Side of Roofing Felt Goes Down?

In a DIY project, you may be wondering which side of the roofing felt goes down. Here are some tips to help you choose the right side of the felt: metal roofing near me Roofing felt has two sides, the smooth side and the rough side. When laying shingles on your roof,...

What Size Roofing Nails For 7/16 Sheathing?

When nailing up 7/16 sheathing, you’ll need to use nails with diameters of 3/8 to 7/16 inches. These are commonly known as 8d nails. The 8D nails are round-headed, sharp-pointed, and standard for OSB sheathing. You can use a nail gun or a hammer to install them. This...

What Size Roofing Nails to Use For a 1/2 Plywood Roof?

If you are wondering what size roofing nails to use for a 1/2 plywood roof, you are not alone. In fact, many homeowners have the same question: what size of nails should I use to install the roof? The answer depends on the thickness of the plywood and the building...

What Thickness OSB Should Be Used For Roofing?

You’re probably wondering what thickness OSB should be used for roofing. Roofing is an important component of a home’s structure, and the thickness of OSB will determine the quality of the overall building. The strength of OSB comes from the binding of wood fragments....

Roofing – Roofing Felt – Which Side Up?

You should always be very careful when applying roofing felt. Incorrect application of felt can cause the roof to leak. So, make sure that you are using the right side of the felt when you are laying it. Here are some tips to help you get it right: Before laying...