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Ohio USA

How Thick Is Roofing Felt?

Before you decide to install roofing felt on your roof, you must determine how thick it should be. Felt paper has different thicknesses and weights. For instance, roofing felt number 30 is twice as thick as felt number 15. A thirty-pound layer of roofing material is...

How to Become Roofing Contractor

There are many things you can do in order to be successful as a roofing contractor. You will need to learn how to properly conduct business. You can hire an accountant or ask a trusted friend to help you with this. The first step to a successful business is to create...

What Goes Under Torch Down Roofing?

You might be wondering what goes under torch down roofing. This method of tiling a roof is both practical and cost-effective. The good news is that even a novice can do it – as long as they follow a few simple steps. In this article, we’ll explore the process and what...

What Are the Best Shoes for Roofing?

If you are planning to spend your days on the roofing job, you will need a pair of sturdy shoes. Fortunately, there are several options. There are safety shoes, comfortable work shoes, and even some that are designed specifically for roofing work. Here are some of the...

How Big Is A Square In Roofing?

Having an idea of how big a square in roofing is important to calculate the cost of a roof project. The most common material used for roofing is concrete tile, which consists of 90 tiles per roof square. For reference, 2,500 square feet of material equals 25 squares....

How to Cut Galvanized Steel Roofing

If you are planning to use galvanized steel roofing as a roofing material, it is necessary for you to know how to cut the sheet. First, you need to know the size of the roof. This will determine how to cut the roof. After that, you need to clean the roofing panels to...

What Is a Square of Roofing Shingles?

When estimating the size of a roof, many homeowners ask what is a square of roofing shingles. It’s important to know this size when hiring a roofing contractor. However, homeowners can estimate the size of their square before they hire the contractor. Here are the...

How to Install Corrugated Metal Roofing Using YouTube Videos

If you’re unsure of how to install corrugated metal roofing, you can view helpful YouTube videos on the subject. These videos can help you learn the ins and outs of corrugated metal roofing and give you valuable insight into the process. Here’s how to install...

How to Install Rolled Roofing Youtube

Do you want to learn how to install rolled roofing? If yes, then watch this video! The video demonstrates the process step-by-step, so you can complete the project in a day. There is nothing more important than following instructions when doing a DIY project, and this...

How to Fasten Metal Roofing Properly

If you’re planning to install a new metal roof, then you need to know how to fasten the panels properly. It might seem simple enough, but this is not always the case. For example, you may be worried that you’re screwing up your new roof by overtightening it. But there...